Foundation “Tür der Hoffnung”


Our Partners

Our partners include our benefactors and recipient charitable organizations on the field, who receive all the donations we collect to implement their charitable projects.


While the few benefactors we have received donations from have decided to remain anonymous, our recipient partner organizations, on the other hand, are well-known on the field for helping create life-changing moments for the needy.


Over the past few months since its inception, TüR DER HOFFNUNG (DOOR OF HOPE) has managed to forge a successful partnership with non-governmental organizations and companies based in vulnerable communities in West Africa and among these are:

Sankofa SL Logo

SANKOFA Sierra Leone

Sankofa’s mission is to Advocate and Actualize Environmental Sustainability Through Ethical Farming. Sankofa, which was established in Sierra Leone, was founded with environmental sustainability in mind.

Sankofa supports farmers in the Cocoa/Coffee and Cashew sectors to farm sustainably and inspires the next generation of environmental leaders in the nation.

Sankofa seeks to do its part in addressing the climate emergency and its future implications, from a systemic, organizational, and individual perspective that is localized and helpful to farmers, so that farming can become sustainable.

SANKOFA Sierra Leone is therefore being patronized by TUR DER HOFFNUNG (DOOR OF HOPE) with the aim to play a major role in helping to continue its good work by indirectly creating life-changing moments for the needy, particularly the vulnerable communities.



Cry from the slums is a non-governmental Humanitarian Organization that seeks to address the needs and issues of vulnerable girls, youths, women and children in vulnerable communities.

Over the years, they have reached out to slums as well as communities of victims of different abuses such as drug addicts, commercial sex workers, HIV and AIDS victims, TB victims as well as juveniles into social ills.


To achieve their goals, CRY FROM THE SLUMS seeks out supporting partners and donor organizations who will complement their efforts.

CRY FROM THE SLUMS have TV and Radio Talk Shows (let’s find the solutions together), they do educational school campaigns and also create awareness of issues affecting the nation for sustainable development.


BALMED Holdings

Balmed is a supply chain operator focussing on a CO2-neutral & inclusive cashew value network that acts as a driver for sustainable change and positively impacts the lives of thousands, mainly female smallholder farmers in Sierra Leone. Driving digital transformation and inclusion for impactful development, Balmed is actively using the cloud-based SAP Rural Sourcing Management with a designated mobile app for field agents and real-time analytics cloud reports for progress reporting and M&E. Since the COVID outbreak this company kept on planting new cashew orchards under the Balmed Blockfarming System. Organic tree crops such as cashews positively contribute towards reversing the effects of climate change and CO2 exhaustion.


A major Balmed project that TUR DER HOFFNUNG (DOOR OF HOPE) has agreed to contribute to is the Smallholder Blockfarming Project.

This project aims to set up 10.000 hectares of improved cocoa, coffee, and cashew plantations using agro-forest cultivation techniques to provide long-term food security, stable income, and improved livelihoods for smallholder farmers in Sierra Leone.